Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Just a quick note that we are having our HUGE YEAR END HAIR BOW/TUTU INSTRUCTIONS SALE GOING ON RIGHT NOW! Save 40-50% off ALL instruction e-books AND physical books! We only do this once to twice a year so take advantage of it now. http://www.sweetbabybowtique.com/catalog .php?category=8

This is the PERFECT time to learn how to make hair bows and tutus for Christmas gift, for Birthday gifts year round, or just for your own lil girl!

A little history behind our instructions. Sweet Baby Bowtique has been selling our hair bow instructions since 2006! THOUSANDS of copies have been sold...get your today before this LIMITED TIME SALE ENDs!
http://www.sweetbabybowtique.com/catalog .php?category=8

Remember, this is a limited time sale....

Be sure to also forward this BLOG POST to all of your friends, family, loops, groups and forums with mommy's of little girls! They are sure to enjoy this sale too!

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